As if this month could not get any better. After finding out this past Friday that the fundraising for this years Relay For Life of Bermuda event had surpassed our original goal of $600,000 (currently at $651,000 + as of 14 July) we have been awarded a Best of Bermuda award for best Charity Event/Fund-raiser in Bermuda!
I am beyond words, but blessed and grateful fit in there somewhere.
In just a little over 2 short years, Relay in Bermuda has raised over $1,700,000 to bring Radiation Therapy to Bermuda. Working in conjunction with Bermuda Cancer & Health Centre, we will see ground breaking for the new Radiation Therapy facility, happen this year!
Thank you to the team at The Bermudian and thank you to those on the judging panel that voted for Relay For Life of Bermuda. Of course, thank you to those of you that actually make Relay what it is. The Committee Members, Bermuda Cancer & Health staff, Volunteers, Relay Team Members, Survivor and Caregivers and our amazing Sponsors!
I feel that receiving this award will push me to do something even bigger in the coming months and years. Knowing that you can give back and have people believe in what you do, helps build the momentum to do bigger and better (and greater) things. There are a lot of people in this world trying to do the right thing and others that could do the right thing if they just had a little push or encouragement. Maybe I am the encouragement!?
Relay For Life receives the 2016 Best of Bermuda Award
(The following was taken from the 2016 Bermudian Magazine, Best of Bermuda edition – June 20
Back in 2012, I was a Judge for The Bermudian for the category ‘Food & Drink’ and received a 2012 Best of Bermuda award for Judge of the Year. I thought receiving that Award was exciting but receiving the award for Relay is bigger than words.

2012 Judge of the Year Award – The Bermudian Magazine
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