The Italian RockA gratitude rock or stone can be a powerful reminder to practice gratitude. When we practice gratitude, we bring a focus to the present and our lives become enriched as we center our attention on all of our many blessings. It sounds so easy, but to maintain an attitude of gratitude is often more challenging.

You do not need to purchase a special rock.  There are groups selling rocks with the word Gratitude engraved on it…not needed, unless you can’t remember “why” you are carrying it.  When Becky and I were in Venice, Italy…we were at a great restaurant and there were a few small black rocks on our table.  Yes…we took two.  Hey…we left a big tip.  That little black rock (see photo) has been carried in my pocket (on and off I admit) ever since that day (maybe 7 years now?).

The basic idea of a gratitude rock or gratitude stone, is simple. You carry it with you, typically in your pocket or purse. Whenever you touch it, you give thanks for something right at that moment. No matter whether you are stuck in traffic, sitting at your desk at work or school, or anywhere else you might be – simply give thanks for something good in your life at that moment.

It is truly amazing how this simple act can create great changes in your life as your perspective and attitude improve. This simple stone will help focus your thoughts, energy and feelings on all of the positive aspects of your life, and you will naturally integrate more gratitude into your life.

Carry it in your pocket or purse for a day filled with gratitude.

A rock is simple, but you can use anything…to remind of you of what you are grateful for.  Necklace, bracelet, key chain, etc.