Raising approx $3,500,000 since 2014
Relay For Life of Bermuda is a fun and moving overnight experience that raises funds for Bermuda Cancer & Health’s Equal Access Fund. Relay For Life: 29 countries strong and millions of Relayers on 6 continents.

What is Relay For Life?
Relay For Life of Bermuda is a chance for our community to come together to recognize and celebrate those who have overcome cancer or are undergoing treatment, as well as the people who care for them. It also provides an opportunity to celebrate the memory of loved ones lost to cancer.
Relay For Life of Bermuda is organized by Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre alongside a local volunteer committee. Teams of 10–15, which are headed up by a team captain, get together and fundraise for the months leading up to the event. On the event day, teams participate in a relay-style walk or run, challenging themselves to stay on the track overnight. You are invited to stay for the whole event and camp overnight, enjoy the fun activities and attend the moving ceremonies that make Relay For Life so special.
Put your thinking cap on to plan your team theme, campsite decorations and costumes. While it’s not compulsory to dress up, many teams do. From superheroes of hope to clowns, pirates and space outfits, dressing in theme is a great way to get your team having fun.
Relay For Life receives the 2016 & 2017 Best of Bermuda Award
(The following was taken from the 2016 Bermudian Magazine, Best of Bermuda edition – June 2016)
Purple Couch 2019
“Since 1985 people have been relaying. Come and join us this year!”
How Relay Began
Relay For Life began in the USA in May 1985 when colorectal surgeon, Dr. Gordy Klatt, wanted to raise awareness of cancer and boost the income of his local cancer charity. He spent a grueling twenty-four hours circulating a track in Tacoma, Washington, and raised over $27,000, and showed that one person really can make a difference.
Since then, Relay For Life has become the largest fundraising event for cancer in the world. Celebrated by more than 4 million people in over 26 countries, this inspirational overnight event empowers and unites local communities to fight cancer.
Relay For Life began in Bermuda when Bermuda Cancer & Health Centre volunteer (and Plan [b] Founder) Ron Spencer III, lost his mother to cancer in 2008. That loss propelled Ron on a nonstop path to bring Relay For Life to Bermuda. In 2013 Bermuda became the 23rd Country approved as a Global Relay Partner and in May 2014, Bermuda celebrated their first Relay For Life event. Since the first event, Relay has grown in Bermuda. 95% of all funds raised during those first few years went towards funding Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre’s radiation therapy initiative. The radiation therapy project was launched in mid 2016 and the ribbon cutting was in mid 2017.
Since then, funds raised now go towards the BCHC’s Equal Access Fund.
Gordon “Gordy” Klatt, passed away August 3, 2014, at the age of 71 from heart failure after battling stomach cancer.
How has Relay performed in Bermuda
Relay has continued to grow as the largest fundraising event in Bermuda. Since the first event in 2014, Relay in Bermuda has raised over $3,500,000.
2019 (May 17-18, 2019)
- 120+ teams
- 2,715 registrants + 1,865 (est) general admission *
- 4,480 (est) TOTAL
- Raising over $680,955 (gross)
- * This may not include Children & Seniors that entered as there were no Gen Admin costs.
- 129 teams
- 2,459 registrants + 1,700 general admission *
- 4,159 TOTAL
- Raising over $560,000
- * This does not include Children & Seniors that entered as there were no Gen Admin costs.
- 125 teams
- 2,669 registrants
- 1,590 + general admission
- 4,259 TOTAL
- Raising over $578,659 (as of 1 November 2017)
- 145 teams
- 3,265 registrants
- 1,750 + general admission
- 5,015 TOTAL
- Raising over $651,000
2015 (stats being updated)
- 167 teams
- 3,153 registrants
- 1,240 + general admission
- 4,393 TOTAL
- Raising over $570,000
- 123 teams
- 1,845 registrants
- 655 + general admission
- 2,500 TOTAL
- Raising over $465,000
Purple Couch 2018
Purple Couch 2017
Purple Couch 2016
Purple Couch 2015
Why do we Relay?
For the past three years, thousands of Bermudians and Bermuda residents participated in our first 3 Relay For Life events. The money raised combined with what we raise in 2017 will go towards the Bermuda Cancer & Health’s Radiation Therapy Imitative to Bermuda.
Some people Relay in memory of a loved one lost to cancer. Some do it to show how proud they are at having survived cancer. Some do it to show they are strong enough to beat cancer. And some simply want to be involved and make a difference. Whatever your reasons, you’ll never forget your first Relay experience!
Relay participants are encouraged to fundraiser in the lead up to the event, with all money raised supporting the Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre’s radiation therapy initiative.
You can read personal stories from Relayers to find out more.
Who can participate?
Everyone! There are no restrictions when it comes to Relay. You don’t have to be over 18 to get involved – anyone can do it!
Relay For Life of Bermuda also relies on the generosity of volunteers. Check out the difference you can make by volunteering at Relay. Click here to download the registration form.
An inspirational talk from a Relay Survivor – James Gardner!
I had the absolute pleasure in meeting James (and his wife Erin) in Dallas during the Relay For Life (#RelayCon) Leadership Conference in 2015. I knew then, that hopefully one day we would meet again. Later in 2016, James and Erin visited Bermuda and spoke to our 3rd Annual Event Team Captains! Since then, James and Erin (and Family) have returned to Bermuda…and have become life long friends!
When & where does Relay happen?
Our 7th annual Relay For Life of Bermuda event will be held in May (as it always does). May is the Anniversary of the passing of my Mother.
How can I find out more?
You can contact us through our form here, otherwise please email us at relayforlife@chc.bm or call us directly at 441-236-1001 or follow or like one of our social media outlets below.