First Team Captain Meeting – Relay Year 3
A HUGE thank you to those team captains and members that showed up to the 1st Relay For Life of Bermuda Team Captains meeting of 2016 (60 days away till our 3rd annual event) – A packed house. #bermudarelay #relayforlife #bermuda#spreadsocialgood #paintbermudapurple #paintyourworldpurple #cancer
My baby, Relay For Life of Bermuda, turns 3 this year. Well, actually…Relay in Bermuda was born as an idea for Bermuda when my mother passed away from Cancer on May 28, 2008. It took a few years to get Bermuda approved as a Relay Country and in less than 2 months, Bermuda will be celebrating it’s 3rd Annual Event this coming May! I am very grateful for Bermuda Cancer & Health Centre for having faith that Relay would work in Bermuda and for the hundreds of volunteers that have made each event something to remember.
For those in Bermuda that have not attended an event, even as a spectator, please stop by on May 27-28, 2016.
This year we will Paint Bermuda Purple, together.