My iPhone Screen Saver
Plan B becoming Plan B 2.0
It seems that as things are being created….over time the evolve. Plan B was created as a for purpose organization with the sole purpose of spreading social good to individuals and non profits locally and around the globe. Plan B was just that, my Plan B. Since my Plan A was not working, I decided it was time for Plan B. My Plan B (back in 2011) was giving back, helping people…doing the right thing.
Since then, Plan B feels to be evolving into more than just giving back. I realized that if I was not in the right frame of mind or being my best self, how could I help others? How could I spread good….if was not good myself?
At the end of 2016 I began minimizing. Getting rid of stuff that had no purpose in my life. Over a 1 month period, I removed over 450 items from my life! I removed items daily, Day 1 – 1 item, Day 2 – 2 items, so on and so on. It did get tough at around day 20+, but believe it or not…it was not hard. It was like losing weight…or getting into shape. I felt fantastic. As 2017 began, I started adding Yoga back into my life (currently once / week) and began meditating twice a day. (Honestly, meditation it is not easy…but after a few weeks….I can now feel the change.) I have begun taking care of me! I have also began to alter how I eat! (Thank you honey…)
I have watched my wife struggle with being ill and she does not just sit there and allow her illness to take over, she is grabbing the bull by the horns and educating herself to heal herself! She is non stop. We literally have a live in health coach now. I look up to her. Because of her slow transition away from photography, and slow move into being a health coach, she has made me realize that I too can make changes in my life, for the better.
I am really excited to see that this new year brings. So far, I feel great. I will continue to find ways to give back, but at the same time slowing down…and living a more purposeful life. My goal is to be in the best physical and mental shape of my life at age 50, and as of the date I am writing this, that is only 426 days from today! WOW!
My iPhone screen saver says it all, “Slow Down”. Make changes that better you. When you take care of yourself, everything around you changes.