Be Healthy>5 simple changes for optimal health and wellbeing

5 simple changes for optimal health and wellbeing – anyone CAN do these, everyone SHOULD do these!

1) Drink more water – If you aren’t good at remembering, begin a routine of drinking one glass when you wake up and one before bed. You’ll find drinking water throughout the day becomes easier and will curb your hunger.

2) Don’t eat everything – Overeating is common these days. Try eating only half of your plate and see how you feel. After a few minutes, you will notice you are no longer hungry. You can save the other half for later, thereby also saving you money.

3) Do something active everyday – Even if it’s just walking to the store. Walk, run, or ride a bike instead of driving. Once you start exercising, it’s easier to stay motivated to keep exercising.

4) Avoid fast food – It may taste good and it’s dirt cheap, but it’s so bad for you in every way. After a while, you won’t even want to touch the stuff!

5) Small changes yield big rewards – Most people try to do too much too quickly and easily lose motivation. Changing everything all at once sets you up for failure. Small changes are far easier to maintain and will compound as they become (good) habit.