Early morning in Bermuda!

I have been called an early bird for as long as I can remember.  I do love the mornings and have since I was a little boy.  My Father was in the construction industry and had to wake my sister and me up at 5:00 am every morning…to trek us to our Aunt’s or Nana’s house before heading to work.

Then approximately 12 years later, I was in the Demolition industry where I too hit the road early in the morning.  I have never had a problem getting up in the morning and I would say I am blessed because of this.

Non morning people do not realize what they are missing when you get up and get outside early in the morning.  At least 2-3 days per week I pop up to the Gibbs Hill Lighthouse, which we live under, and watch the sun rise.  Living on an island…we have some amazing Sunrises and Sunsets.

There is a certain calm feeling surrounding the early morning.

As far as being productive, I feel I can get more done before 10 am…then any other part of the day.

Today’s word of advice…get up early at least once a week…and watch the sun come up…or go for an early morning walk.  Sit outside and have a cup of tea or coffee.  Read the paper (or your iPad….or Kindle).  You can get a lot done in the morning.